It's all about YOU & Your Healing
During your private SOLO Retreat, you have the undivided attention from healers focusing solely on your well-being!
Using powerful intuition, deep compassion, cutting-edge technologies & years of experience
Designed to build a new personal infrastructure that creates a truly empowered YOU
No group talk therapy​
A place where you can develop a whole new understanding of WHO you ARE and WHY you're here​
Follow-up support​ available
SOLO retreats can be done Virtually (phone or Zoom) and/or In-person.
In fact, all SOLO in-person retreats also utilize virtual/distance healing session(s). It has been our experience that our clients have the best success when we start working with them before they even get here.
This way, by the time you arrive, you have more clarity, peace and energy to make the most of your precious time here in the islands!
Our SOLO Retreats
Fill you back up emotionally & spiritually
Teach you new techniques
Highlight your innate talents, gifts and wisdom
Rejuvenate your light so you shine from within like a star
And REPLACE anxiety with peace
...confusion with clarity
...and feeling less-than with becoming your own hero​
In addition to the beautiful crystal saltwater, the bright healing sunshine, and the laid back vibe of our beloved islands, your retreat with us can offer:

Deep Relaxation Stress Relief Sound Bath Meditation

A deep dive into sound meditation with our large collection of crystal and Tibetan singing bowls, tuning forks, chimes and more. Feel the power of collective consciousness at play as we set our intentions, clear the mind, and let the Universe guide our lives for highest & best outcomes; a powerful surrender of the mind that pays high dividends.
Energy Enhancement System

Recharge the cells of your body and heal at a deep level while immersed in hyper-healthy scalar field with customized Energy Enhancement System that helps awaken a happier and healthier YOU!
Imagine just sleeping your way to radiant health as scalar field and biophotonic light technologies relieve pain, restore emotional balance, and recharge you at the cellular level.
Dolphin Swim & Encounter

A dream-come-true for most of us is the up-close connection with an amazing dolphin ambassador who is willing to impart higher dimensional vibrations into us through brain synchronization (much the same way that sound healing works). The feel of their skin, the wisdom in their eyes, the magic in the interactions... beyond words!
Synergy Room Energy Circuit

A combination of rejuvenating self-care spa therapies to help you feel good, look good and improve performance, sleep, cognition and energy level. Our Synergy Room Spa offers red light therapy, vibe plate, massage chair, crystal healing biomat, chi machine, infrared sauna, microbubble spa and more. A wonderful way for you to shine from within like a star! Learn more.
Quantum Sound Therapy

Ready for a quantum leap? Through a quick voice analysis, we create unique balancing tones that bring body, mind and spirit into coherence and balance. The tones act like WD40 to loosen old stubborn subconsious programming, often clearing sabotaging behavior patterns that eons of therapy couldn't touch.
Bio-Well Express Energy Assessement

The Bio-Well camera captures biophotonic light imaging of the fingertips to provide a numerical measurement of the electrical charge of each of the body’s energy centers. You'll be able to "see" your chakras & meridians through the software's interpretations of your energy field. You'll also receive a 22-page report that can help you determine energy leaks before they become problem areas and understand your overall energy reserves.
Aqua Sonic Spa

The Aqua Sonic Spa is a unique experience developed here at Namaste Key West. Pure frequencies designed just for you are delivered directly to the nervous system IN water during this deeply healing spa session. We develop in a fluid environment, our bodies utilize water for almost all healing processes, and sound travels 4xs faster in water than air, so the beneficial effects are amplified. Emerge reborn with a relaxed body, peaceful mind and increased range of motion.
Physio-Sound Session

This sound massage uses specific frequencies to target muscles, neurotransmitters, vertebrae and nerves to bring deep healing to the nervous system and balance to the body. Lie in a comfortable position and relax, as low frequencies, like the sound of a cat purring, are played via subwoofer, reaching muscles that are difficult to massage manually and that often balance much faster through frequency. Since frequency is the language of the body, you can feel sore or tense muscles balance within minutes.
Energy Anatomy 101

As live, electrical beings, we are energy first, and yet most of us are never taught about the body's energy systems. During this introduction to the body's energy anatomy, you get to see the body's chakras and meridians and how energy is received through the field, helping you understand the importance of maintaining a clean and healthy energetic system for optimal health and happiness.
Mind-Body Connection

We reverse engineer physical symptoms to help the conscious mind (5% of us) understand the processes of the body’s autonomic nervous system (95% of us) manifesting unwanted physical pain, illness, or emotional imbalance. Once we can “think like the nervous system,” we can either appreciate the body’s amazing healing powers… or change the cellular programming to reflect our current conditions. Either way, this process removes the internal resistance to the experience, facilitating deep and lasting healing through powerful updates to the internal operating system.
Fish Pedicure & Forest Bathing

Enjoy the peace and tranquility of forest bathing in one of the last remaining hardwood hammocks of the uniqe ecosystem of the Florida Keys! We hike 1.5 miles through a 60+ acre forest along wide gravel trails and end at a beautiful point where the land meets the sea and we are treated to a fish pedicure! We take a rest and dangle our bare feet in the water of a shallow lagoon and tiny toothless fish the size of guppies nibble the dead skin off calluses, leaving the feet polished and the body relaxed. A one-of-a-kind healing experience in nature!
Easy Sound Healing Basics at Home

Learn how to use a simple sound healing instrument like tuning forks (affordable and indestructible) to ground and relax the body, speed healing up to 4xs faster than normal, reduce inflammation, and adjust brainwaves in seconds for optimal sleep, relaxation, learning, sports & academic performance, creativity, and more. Works great for pets too!
Flip Your Script

Transform the stories made up by the mind to keep us “safe,” (but are really just keeping us small, stuck, and unfulfilled). Liberate yourself from the pain of the past by writing and living a new story filled with all the things you want to experience! This hands-on experience is powerful and fast-acting way to create a new reality.
Post-Stress Reset

Learn an easy and powerful 5-minute technique that resets the body’s energy circuits that are blown by mental and emotional stress. Just like resetting a tripped breaker in a house, resetting our energy circuits allows us to operate at full mental, emotional and physical capacity, once again firing on all cylinders for optimal performance in life, sports and school (especially important to do before taking a test).
Relationship Dynamics Upgrade

Relationships often serve as mirrors showing us what we’re here to work on spiritually. The energy patterns in our partners directly reflect our own shadows of stagnant energy that are ready to be released and healed. We use consciousness shifts and energy clearing techniques to experience new levels of understanding & forgiveness that allow deep relationship harmony to ensue. Healing relationships (any kind) without conflict is one of our superpowers!
Emotional Processing

If we could “see” emotional baggage as a physical thing like sweaters in our closet, we would never let them pile up so high. But because most of us can’t “see” them, we don’t understand the importance of developing positive healthy ways to deal with our emotions and the emotions of others. I will teach you a technique you can use daily and whenever you are triggered to clear out those ugly sweaters that no longer fit you, so you can make room for the beautiful positive feelings that are your birthright.
Acupressure Espresso

Activate and balance the body’s chi with this hands-on stimulation incorporating acupressure, chi gong, breath work, and applied kinesiology resets to get you going.
A great way to start the day!
Tong Ren

We tap into the power of the collective consciousness and direct energy into specific acupoints and energy centers in the body (virtually) using a magnetic hammer and a Tong Ren acupoint model doll. A very powerful protocol to do with a group. Much like a prayer circle, Tong Ren has been know to facilitate miracles!
Family Dynamics Energy Upgrade

Energetic patterns come to us through biological inheritance and conditioning. With the use of consciousness shifting, laser focus, and sometimes specific frequencies, we locate old unwanted emotional patterns that are ready to be released so the stagnant energy is cleared and DNA upgraded, benefiting the individual and everyone related. Experience a new levels of freedom, clarity and joy!
Manifesting Magic

Everything that exists in the world is created twice – first in the mind, then in physical form. In this focus, we go beyond form and look at the energy that precedes it and then trace it back to what might be blocking whatever you’re trying to manifest from coming into form. We clear the block(s) and voila, it’s able to manifest like magic!
Zen Paddle

Enjoy a moving stand up paddleboard meditation as we embody light codes and pure bliss while our body’s energy filters are naturally cleansed by the sun and saltwater in our private and pristine Namaste Bay. Take in the sights, smells and sounds as your mind shifts from chattering to peaceful and present.
90-Minute Massage

Enter a deep state of relaxation and inner healing as the loving hands of a gifted massage therapist and intuitive healer work magic to balance tight muscles and facilitate myofascial release.

Experience deep body balance through the ancient tradition of acupuncture. Tiny needles are placed on powerful energy portals of the body to release, activate, recharge and balance the flow of energy throughout the body, mind and spirit. A wonderful self-healing modality that offers lasting effects.
Scalar Energy Immersion

Our studio emits a scalar energy vortex created by technology that utilizes nested Tesla coils and noble gases. Scalar energy, like zero point energy, cancels out lower man-made frequencies like EMFs and negative human emotions that have a toxic effect. The more time we spend inside a scalar vortex, the more coherent our energies become, which allows our frequency to naturally rise. As our frequency rises, we easily and gracefully release old limiting programming, and we feel lighter, more emotionally balanced and joyful.
Our retreats do NOT currently include any travel, food or accommodations. The rooms at local resorts and hotels fill quickly. Be sure to secure your accommodations reservation as soon as possible after booking your retreat with us. Upon booking, you will receive our list of travel, hotel and resort suggestions. Please email Shanda at if you would like to receive our list of travel, hotel and resort suggestions prior to booking. If you have any questions or need additional information, please contact Shanda at 239-560-6667.

Please read important details in Terms & Conditions

Best Value
this laid-back 3 hour restful retreat helps return to your center with energy resets, breath work, sound massage & more
Valid for 3 months
sound facial
neck & shoulder sound massage
de-stress with breath work & energy resets you can use daily
EE System cellular recharge
fresh cold-pressed juice

Best Value
recondition the nervous system out of chaos and into deep peace with energy, sound & light therapies
Valid for 3 months
sound massage targets muscles affected by stress
brainwave entrainment for vagus nerve stimulation
trauma release without telling old stories or re-living
EE System cellular recharge
reset body's electrical circuits to restore mental function

Best Value
foot therapy for overall body balance & stability - take care of your feet & they'll take care of you!
Valid for 3 months
ballwork for fascia release
magnet therapy via biaxial energizer
reflexology via acupressure mat
foot sound massage
ionic detox footbath
Find one that works for you

How do I know which is the right retreat for me?
Listen to your gut. If you were led here, it is for a reason. If you keep thinking about it, that's more guidance. :)
If you have ANY questions, feel free to give me a call - 239-560-6667.
We have LOTS of options!
Let's get started - please fill out the intake form below. Or keep it simple and choose one of our new Spa Retreat Packages. Purchase the package then call to coordinate your best dates. Thank you!